
Sell ZSmart Interconnect Settlement

ZSmart Interconnect Billing is capable of handling all the interconnection billing services, including interconnection settlement, roaming settlement, and the settlement with the third parties (content providers, service providers, etc.).
This settlement product can perform the settlement data configuration, CDR collection, pre-processing, rating, billing and consolidating, etc. as well as interconnect roaming settlement functions, including TAP3 files analyzing, roaming-in CDR files generation and distribution, etc.
ZSmart Interconnect Billing is capable of handling all the interconnection billing services, including interconnection settlement, roaming settlement, and the settlement with the third parties (content providers, service providers, etc.).
This settlement product can perform the settlement data configuration, CDR collection, pre-processing, rating, billing and consolidating, etc. as well as interconnect roaming settlement functions, including TAP3 files analyzing, roaming-in CDR files generation and distribution, etc.
  • Various Telecom Services Settlement Supported
    ZSmart Interconnect Billing conducts settlement is for a variety of telecommunication services such as voice, data, content, and messages and 3G services in terms of the attributes of the events (duration, traffic volume, content, frequency, etc). Featuring highly modular architecture, the system can adapt to the new services introduced by the operators quickly even without codes changes.
  • Flexible Settlement Rules
    It affords multiple rules of settlement, such as by trunk, by calling and called number, by CDR or by traffic volume. The rules can be defined by the operator easily.
  • Complex Multi-party Settlement
    A bill can be settled with multiple parties. A piece of interconnect content message service, for instance, has to be settled with the interconnection partner and the content provider as well. ZSmart Interconnect Settlement can work it out accurately.
  • Comprehensive and Perfect Partner Management
    The partners, including interconnection partners, roaming partners, content providers and service providers will find thoughtful supports in the alternatives of different settlement billing cycles, rating tariff and currencies available.
  • Efficient settlement Consolidation
    The interconnect consolidation module is designed specifically for settlement discrepancy, through which the settlement parties input the discrepant part into the system, and the system has it analyzed and finds out the causes and settles the discrepancy. The customized parameter setting improves the consolidation efficiency.
  • Powerful Settlement Bill Customization
    Every settlement party can customize the content and layout of the settlement bill., print them and save them in different formats, such as PDF, and EXCEL.
  • Various International Roaming File Protocols Supported
    It supports CDMA international roaming file transfer protocol CIBER, GSM international roaming file transfer protocol TAP3 in different versions and the latest one, TAP3 3.11.
  • Settlement Party Management: Define categories of information of settlement parties, settlement billing cycle type and settlement currency type.
  • Settlement CDR Collection: Collect the various CDR files to be settled, including interconnect CDR and international roaming-out CDR.
  • Pre-processing: Including the CDR acquisition, errors detection, format standardization, and aggregation and filtering.
  • Settlement Rating:In line with the filtering and settlement rules, figure out the settlement list without reference to customer data, i.e. the standard rating.
  • Settlement Billing: Apportioning and settling the all service charges on basis of rated CDR or the CDR summary according to different settlement policies, filtering and summarizing in terms of settlement parties and having the settlement bills generated.
  • Settlement Bill Customization/Print: Formulating the bill through the customization tool and printing them for the settlement parties.
  • Bill Consolidation: In the case of discrepancy between the settlement bills provided by the settlement parties, comparing the results in terms of the specified period, operators and the CDR types.
  • TAP3 Files Analysis: Analyzing the GSM international roaming-out CDR files in the TAP3 format that is encoded in ASN.1.
  • TAP3 Files Generation: Generating the GSM international roaming-in CDR files in the TAP3 format that is encoded in ASN.1.
  • Settlement Data Configuration: Configuring various data regarding settlement, including settlement billing cycle, settlement price, exchange rate and process flow monitoring, etc.

